Spec Formliners has the largest concrete formliner selection in the universe. Most Spec Formliners patterns of concrete form liners are available in four material choices: single-use plastic, multi-use plastic, medium-reuse semi-elastomeric, or high-reuse urethane. One of our specialties is the fabrication of custom patterns and artistic designs built to specifications in contract plans. We work closely with engineers to turn their vision on paper or CAD into a physical 3D mold. With the ability to laser-scan physical objects and reproduce them on any scale, Spec is miles ahead of the competition.

Spec Formliners has the largest concrete formliner selection in the universe. Most Spec Formliners patterns of concrete form liners are available in four material choices: single-use plastic, multi-use plastic, medium-reuse semi-elastomeric, or high-reuse urethane. One of our specialties is the fabrication of custom patterns and artistic designs built to specifications in contract plans. We work closely with engineers to turn their vision on paper or CAD into a physical 3D mold. With the ability to laser-scan physical objects and reproduce them on any scale, Spec is miles ahead of the competition.